Due to a recent ratings update, this product no longer has a CR Recommended status
Carrier RMAP-ST
- This model scored very good overall, which primarily considers how well models removed dust and smoke from a test chamber.
- Better than most at removing dust, smoke, and pollen at its lowest speed, which matters if you’ll run the unit in your bedroom at night.
- Effective at removing dust, smoke, and pollen at its highest speed, important quickly cleaning the air in the room.
- Not especially quiet, but among the quietest air purifiers when on its highest speed.
- Easy to operate its controls, carry it, and clean or replace its filter(s).
- Relatively low operating costs.
- Has a filter indicator, which lets you know when it's time to change/clean the main filter.
- Energy Star qualified, meaning it’s relatively energy-efficient compared with non-qualified models.
- Has a programmable timer.
- Fairly loud on its lower speeds.
- Relatively high filter costs.
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About CR Air Purifiers testings
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Privacy PolicyDue to a recent ratings update, this product no longer has a CR Recommended status.
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